Street Trees

Homeowner & Association Responsibilities

Common Areas vs. Trees on Your Property

The Association maintains trees in the common areas to ensure the health and appearance; however, homeowners are responsible for corrective action of street trees on their property, while adhering to the City of New Albany’s guidelines. Your Property Management company will be unable to facilitate the communication for you regarding street trees and homeowners are responsible for directly contacting  city services.

Street Trees

Street Trees are in the tree lawn closest to the road curb. This is a right-of-way, meaning the trees are on your property, but are owned by the City of New Albany. The replacement of street trees is handled by New Albany City Services and a co-pay is required by the homeowner. City of New Albany residents can call (614) 855-0076 or visit


The annual mulching of the street trees is the responsibility of the respective homeowner.  Please see the following information regarding mulching from

As beneficial as mulch is, too much can be harmful. The generally recommended mulching depth is 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm). Unfortunately, many landscapes are falling victim to a plague of over-mulching. “Mulch volcanoes” are excessive piles of mulch materials applied around the base of trees.